Arrival and Dismissal

To discourage large groups gathering during arrival and dismissal, specific entrances and exits have been assigned to each grade level. Please adhere to the following instructions.

Please note that for arrival and dismissal students must line up and stand on the painted yellow circles that will be 6 feet apart.

Pre-K & Kindergarten will line up in the park for the month of September.

An overhead image of the school with exits designated to specific grades.

Arrival Procedures

Pre - K (8:00 AM) - Will enter through the door on Bay 23rd Street using the side door. The line will start at the corner of the building and form towards Benson Ave. As you enter the building you will use the staircase to proceed to your floor.

*** For the month of September, Pre-K will line-up in the park adjacent to the school. ***

Kindergarten - Will enter through the door on Bay 23rd Street closest to the park. The line will start at the door and form towards Bath Ave. As you enter the building you will use the staircase to proceed to your floor.

** For the month of September, Kindergarten will line-up in the park adjacent to the school.**

Grade 1 - Will enter through the side door on Bay 23rd Street. The line will start at the door and form towards Benson Ave. As you enter the building you will make a right turn and walk up the staircase opposite room 117 (Staircase A).

Grade 2 - Will enter through the door on Benson Ave closest to Bay 23rd Street. The line will start at the door and form towards Bay 22nd Street. As you enter the building you will make a right into the playroom. Then you will use the 2nd door from the left (Staircase B).

Grade 3 - Use the playground to enter the inner courtyard. As you walk into the inner courtyard you will use the walkway and stairs on the right. As you enter the building you will walk into the playroom and make a left turn. You will proceed to the staircase closest to the main office (Staircase D).

Grade 4 - Use the playground to enter the inner courtyard. As you walk into the inner courtyard you will use the walkway and stairs on the left. As you enter the building use the staircase on the left (Staircase C).

Grade 5 - Line up on Bay 22nd street using the side door. The line will start at the door and form towards Bath Ave. You will enter the auditorium and use the stairs behind the auditorium (Staircase E).

Dismissal Procedures

Pre-K (1:30 PM) - Will dismiss using the door on Benson Ave closest to Bay 22nd Street (main entrance).

Kindergarten - Using Staircase F, you will exit from Bay 23rd/Park door and walk towards Benson Ave. Classes K-203, K-128, & K-129 will exit first at 1:50. All other Kindergarten classes will follow at 1:55.

Grade 1 - Using Staircase A you will exit from Bay 23rd Street door, closest to Benson Ave. Classes 1-211, 1-201, 1-209, 1-217 will exit first at 1:50 and line up towards Benson Ave. All other 1st grade classes will follow at 1:55.

Grade 2 - Using Staircase B you will exit using the door on Benson Ave, closest to Bay 23rd Street. Classes 2-319, 2-317, 2-326 & 1/2-125B will exit first at 1:50 and line up towards Bay 22nd Street. All other 2nd grade classes will follow at 1:55.

Grade 3 - Using Staircase D you will exit through the inner courtyard and proceed to the park. Students will use the exit at the rear of the park that is attached to the playground. Classes 3-302, 3-303, 3-313, & 3/4/5-413 will dismiss first at 1:50. All other 3rd grade classes will follow at 1:55.

Grade 4 - Using Staircase C you will exit through the inner courtyard and proceed to the park. Students will use the exit in the park (basketball court) on Bay 22nd Street closest to Bath Ave. Classes 4-401, 4-402, & 4-415 will dismiss first at 1:50. All other 4th grade classes will follow at 1:55.

Grade 5 - Using Staircase E walk through the auditorium and exit using the side door. Classes 5-419, 5-426 will dismiss first at 1:50. All other 5th grade classes will follow at 1:55. Classes 5-430, 5-425 & 5-426 will proceed to the left towards Bath Ave and classes 5-419 & 5-417 will proceed to the right towards Benson Ave.