Parent Coordinator's Corner

Welcome to the P.S. 200 Parent Coordinator's Corner!  Here you will find a wealth of information from Ms. Lucy LaMothe, our parent coordinator. Please check back often for announcements, and information. 

Ms. Lucy can be reached via email at: or by phone at 718-236-5466 ext. 4, 347-563-4640. 


NYC Schools Account, also known as is an extremely important website for parents and guardians. The NYC Schools Account is not to complete the middle school application. To create your account, click here.

Please find on this page the NYCSA video for parents: NYCSA Account Set Up Guide for Parents.

Once registered on the site you can:

• See your child's recent report cards, promotional status, test scores, attendance

records, and much more.

• Verify and update your phone number, and email address

• This account is for Grades PreK to 12th Grade

Accounts can only be set up by the parent/legal guardian. If you need assistance setting up your account, please email Ms. Lucy at Please include the parent's name, student name, and

student’s class. Please provide a contact email and phone number.

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Call 1-888-NYC-WELL If you are thinking about suicide, or know someone who is, counselors are available to listen to and support you 24/7. Contact NYC Well by calling 888-NYC-WELL (888-692-9355), texting “WELL” to 65173 or chatting at If you or someone you know is at immediate risk of hurting themselves, or in immediate danger because of a health condition or other situation, call 911.



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